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RA.One is an Ultimate-Defense type bey and the only bey to take on any kind of special moves.Though it is a defense type a bey it's offensive ability has no limit.So,it goes to the line:-"An offense is the best defense".It is owned by Kyoya blade x.It controls wind and fire.It has the ability to spin in left as well as right.It cant destroy Immortal Titanium Knight CXE:DDD however it can destroy other Beys.R Level:Excalibur


The face of RA.One depicts it's bit-beast's head and his fist.The drawing is printed and the face is made of metal.It can be fitted in no other bey.

4D Energy Ring:-[]

The ring of RA.One is shaped like the H.A.R.T of it's bit-beast and this energy ring is very heavy.The energy ring has 5 metal claws fitted below it which acts like a hidden weapon.And under the claws,there are rubber fitted to the claws.This helps to spin-steal.

4D Fusion Wheel:-[]

The fusion Wheel is indeed very heavy.It is shaped more or less like a hammer,one side blunt ,other side sharp.And in the middle of it is fitted sacred rock which helps to create fire.

PC Frame:-[]

The PC Frame is made of rock and magnet.This rock can transform the opposing bey into ashes.So when the opposing bey tries to run away from the rock the magnet pulls it towards itself and the bey gets destroyed gradually.===Dual Destruction Core:-=== This core is made of rubber.It contains a very small engine gear in it,which spins left as well as right.So,the core is also able to spin steal but only when the bey starts losing stamina.===Wind Assault Core:-=== This core is made of ignite with a little mixture of bronze.This part has the most defensive power.It can create storms.

4D Performance Tip:-[]

The performance tip is the ultimate kind of performance tip .This tip at first is a wide ball (metal) then at second a wide defense (metal) and at last bearing drive (metal) .Inside the tip is a big engine gear.Overall it has a long lasting stamina.

Special Moves:-[]

Ultimate super wind strike[]

Flame burst[]

Diving flame crush[]

Dark voyage medusa's eyes[]


S.H.I.E.L.DThis move statues the RA.One and no bey and attack can budge it.


Special move of RA.One.

Images (73)