Asian Fanon Wiki

To Edit a page, follow the below rules:

  1. No bad words in any page
  2. No chat words (eg.wat, u, r)
  3. If you do not know any information about what you are going to edit and you are doing it just for edits, points and badges, please DO NOT edit or collect information and then edit.
  4. If you are just going to delete a word, publish, then write back that word, then don't. That counts as false edits and the admins of this wiki can ban for that. And besides, there are lots more badges you can get and it's not THAT hard to get a LOT of edits.
  5. Using worded caps(LIKE THIS) will get you a ban from and admin if they catch you writting in full caps. WE GOT OUR EYES ON YOU! (<---A good example of irony) 
  6. Remember, make your content as fun as can be. But no going over silly like saying your character is allergic to pancakes etc etc...